How a Boutique Hotelier Operates an Entire Hotel from His Phone

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Check-In, Checkout, Messages, and Upsells
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“Early Check-In and Late Checkout wasn’t something we charged for before Canary. It turns out guests are happy to pay the $25. Guests want options and the ability to easily communicate with the hotel. Canary enables both - and allows us to make more money!”
See how Canary can help you boost revenue, reduce fraud and increase guest satisfaction.

Sean Rowland operates a boutique hotel on the Southern California coast. As a small hotel with less than 10 rooms, Sean handles all of the hotel’s functions besides housekeeping. “With 7 rooms, we can’t afford a full payroll or having someone sit behind a desk for 12 hours a day.”

But running a hotel with no staff is a lot of work - and Sean thought there had to be ways to save time and improve the guest experience.

“I literally had been looking for years. I found other solutions, but none of the other solutions were as simple for guests to use - or were able to securely collect credit card and ID information. For us, those were the missing pieces that Canary offered and allowed us to go full self-service,” said Rowland.

linkedin iconSean Rowland
Sean Rowland

“Early Check-In and Late Checkout wasn’t something we charged for before Canary. It turns out guests are happy to pay the $25. Guests want options and the ability to easily communicate with the hotel. Canary enables both - and allows us to make more money!”

Utilizing Canary’s Contactless solutions, Sean was able to convert the entire guest experience to self-service. Sean no longer has to be at the desk to collect credit cards, IDs, and reg cards. Instead, Sean is automatically notified when guests complete the check-in and can also easily communicate with guests via text, email, or phone. He can do all of this from the comforts of his own couch...or the beach!

But that doesn’t mean customer service has waned or guests have had a worse experience. In fact, quite the opposite.

4.9/5 Stars Guest Experience Rating

The solutions are extremely simple to use, there are no check-in/checkout lines, and guests can easily communicate with Sean through text or phone.

The NOMADS also implemented Canary’s Upsells solution.

"Upselling was a huge bonus. We did almost $1,000 in Upsells last month. We only have 7 rooms so that is enormous for us”

Guests have been spending more at the hotel than ever before.

So in the end, guests are happier, the hotel is making more money, and Sean is able to spend more time doing what he loves: surfing.

See how Canary can help make your properties easier today