How this Cambria Reduced Chargebacks by Eliminating Paper Forms

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Digital Authorizations
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"Canary helps us compete in this high-tech environment by getting of the antiquated paper auth forms."
See how Canary can help you boost revenue, reduce fraud and increase guest satisfaction.

Lacey Lamm, Fillmore Hospitality GM, was looking for a way to make her team more efficient.

Lamm heard from Choice Hotels that their property should not be using  paper credit card forms as they were no longer PCI compliant, and they had an approved vendor that could solve this problem and boost staff efficiency. That vendor was Canary Technologies.

"We used fax and emails for CC authorizations. Guests would have to find a fax machine and send it back to us. The front desk  would then have to be responsible to check the fax machine and watch for the authorizations coming back and put it into the system. We had authorization forms getting lost and it created a nightmare.

What Lamm says surprised her about Canary was, "How much in chargebacks we would save!"

linkedin iconLacey Lamm
Lacey Lamm
General Manager
20+ years in hospitality

“Canary helps us compete in this high-tech environment by getting of the antiquated paper auth forms."

Lamm found Canary to be simple to set up and use, with great training tools. It was quick and easy to learn for her and her team.

100% Guest & Employee Satisfaction

Usually when a hotel upgrades an existing progress, there are some headaches. However, with Canary, Lamm said, "We saw immediate benefits and it was so easy to get up and running. We got a fully compliant and really easy process implemented for staff members."

See how Canary can help make your properties easier today